Crystal Valley Water

Since 1997
Opening hours

Simply Great Tasting Water

Sourced from a naturally occuring spring from a deep aquifer flowing down from the Central Plateau to Whanganui

Our Story

We are a small family business servicing the Whanganui local community since 1997. Originally an Avocado orchard, we discovered that the water that flowed out of the ground was wonderful to drink. We decided to water people as well as our trees and Crystal Valley Water came to be. Since then we have supplied the Whanganui community and via our distribution network to Horowhenua/Manawatu and Auckland.

The Source

The spring originates over 3 kilometres deep in the Volcanic Plateau of the Central North Island of New Zealand. As it makes it’s way South, the water flows through Andesite Strata rocks, picking up it’s characteristic  minerals until it emerges in the shaded valley under St John’s Hill in Whanganui.


First discovered in the 1860’s, the natural spring has long been regarded as a mineral water of the highest quality. Famous for its clean and refreshing taste, Crystal Valley Mineral Water needs no additives, preservatives or treatment.

Quality Control

Crystal Valley Mineral Water Limited maintains a constant regime of monitoring to ensure the quality of our water is maintained.
We not only test at the source, but also regularly test water that has been delivered to our clients, to ensure transportation has not impacted on quality.


New 10L Container (filled) –    $26.00


10L $4.00
20L $8.00
30L $10.00
40L $11.00
80L $18.00
100L $23.00


Tuesday - Friday

8.30am - 5.00pm

Public Holidays


Vending Machine

8.00am - 9.00pm 7 days



Please use our Contact Form


15 Montgomery Road,
